Understanding the attitude of Belladonna- Frivolous
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The lifeline of Belladonna is Frivolousness and of opium is High Spiritedness. The attitude of the belladonna patient is frivolousness. A person who is having a problem like pain, they feel it but everybody’s reaction is different. For the belladonna patient connection between the suffering body and the mind is missing. The body and mind are not co-operating. This is because mind is frivolous that is why the attention of mind is not going towards suffering of body; reaction is late and occurs only when somebody tells you. Even when the information was given that your body is suffering, that is a burden is given; he reacts by saying “Ok fine let it be”, as he does not want to carry the burden as he is frivolous; he does not want to understand seriousness of the problem. The belladonna person takes support of things like smiling or laughing to reduce the burden and feel light.